IVF Is The Revolutionary Technology For Every Couple Out There

One of the most delight to have as a human is having a child as parents and every parent or a couple want to have a child of their own. But the thing is that many couples in a country like India cannot get pregnant due to several medical reasons. After knowing this thing, many parents and the pair get disturbed and restle ss. But as technology has advanced, many new technologies have been developed by our scientists to help these couples and ensure a baby to them. One of these great techniques is the IVF or which is also known as In-vitro Fertilization. What is IVF? IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is a process of fertilization in women in which the combination of sperm and egg takes place manually outside the host’s body. The mix takes place in a laboratory dish. Later, when the combination has happened, the fertilized embryo is transferred to the uterus of the female. This process if one of the most complex processes as it takes place step by step, and it takes 8 s...